Raise the Rhino '24

100% of the proceeds from this direct donation fundraiser supports our PTO budget, student activities, staff appreciation and school improvements!​
Did you know that charter schools only receive about 73% of the amount public schools receive for funding?
We need your help to close the gap because
"together we can... make a difference"!​

The results are in and they are unbelieveable! Thank you so much for supporting our school and our little rhinos' futures!
We are Rhino Strong and together we made a difference!
Raise the Rhino '23
The 2023 Raise the Rhino results are in!
Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteered, and spread the word about our RTR fundraiser! You're the best! We have a few more donations coming through, but we wanted to share the big news with our Rhino family: we made our $30,000 goal! That's so fantastic! Not only did we make our goal, but we crushed it with a total of $41,000. It shows that every little bit counts, and when we come together as a community, we can make big things happen. Thank you again for your support. I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing community.
-Kay Fyler, Fundraising Chair

A Few Key Members of the 2023 RTR Team
Kevin Morris (Treasurer), Kay Fyler (Fundraising Chair),
Whitney Fleming (Vice President), Destiny Chapman (President)

Raise the Rhino '22
Thank you SO MUCH to the RA families who participated to make this such an amazing campaign! You have totally blown us away!! Together, we raised $40,469.69 for our school with over 72% participation! Thank you Rhinos!!